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Article cité :

Optimization of digital filters for the detection of trace elements in EELS. III – Gaussian, homomorphic and adaptive filters

J. Michel and N. Bonnet
Ultramicroscopy 88 (4) 231 (2001)

Quantitative analysis and cartography in scanning electron microscopy: Application to the study of bacterial adhesion to respiratory epithelium

G. Colliot, S. De Bentzmann, M. C. Plotkowski, S. Lebonvallet, E. Puchelle and N. Bonnet
Microscopy Research and Technique 24 (6) 527 (1993)

Optimization of digital filters for the detection of trace elements in electron energy loss spectroscopy II. Experiments

J. Michel, N. Bonnet, D. Wagner, G. Balossier and P. Bonhomme
Ultramicroscopy 48 (1-2) 121 (1993)

Optimization of digital filters for the detection of trace elements in electron energy loss spectroscopy I. Theory and simulations

N. Bonnet, J. Michel, D. Wagner and G. Balossier
Ultramicroscopy 41 (1-3) 105 (1992)