J. Phys. III France
Volume 7, Numéro 12, December 1997
Page(s) 2309 - 2316
DOI: 10.1051/jp3:1997260
J. Phys. III France 7 (1997) 2309-2316

Heteroepitaxy of Cubic GaN

A. Trampert, O. Brandt, H. Yang and K.H. Ploog

Paul-Drude-Institut f$\ddot{\rm u}$r Festk$\ddot{\rm o}$rperelektronik, Hausvogteiplatz 5-7, 10117 Berlin, Germany

(Received 3 October 1996, revised 9 May 1997, accepted 29 August 1997)

We report on the epitaxial growth and the microstructure of cubic CaN. The layers investigated are deposited by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy on GaAs (001) and (311)A substrates. Transmission electron microscopy reveals that, despite of the extreme lattice mismatch between these two materials, GaN grows in the metastable cubic phase with a welldefined orientation-relationship to the substrate and a sharp heteroboundary. This preference of the metastable phase and its epitaxial orientation originate in the initial stage of growth which is discussed in connection with a coincidence lattice for the investigated interface structures.

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