J. Phys. III France
Volume 7, Numéro 11, November 1997
Page(s) 2153 - 2157
DOI: 10.1051/jp3:1997247
J. Phys. III France 7 (1997) 2153-2157

Reduction of Space Charge Recombination Current with a Self Passivated GaAlAs/GaInP/GaAs HBT Structure

R. Bourguiga1, J.F. Palmier2 and C. Dubon-Chevallier2

1  Faculté des Sciences de Bizerte, 7021 Zarzouna, Tunisie
2  FRANCE TÉLÉCOM, CNET/PAB, Laboratoire de Bagneux, 196 Avenue Henri Ravera, BP 107, 92225 Bagneux Cedex, France

(Received 4 February 1997, accepted 11 August 1997)

A Passivated HBT structure which includes a thin GaInP layer between the GaAlAS emitter and the GaAs base layer has been proposed in order to reduce surface and space charge recombination current, while keeping a low p-type ohmic contact resistivity. The optimization of the GaInP layer thickness has been carried out leading to a value of 30 nm.

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